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Welcome on the Curriculum website of
Dmitri Goosens in the picutre

I am Dmitri Goosens, the person whose picture you can see on the left. Welcome and thank you for checking my Curriculum Vitae online.

I am 43 and am presently finishing my studies. I first studied translation from German and Spanish into French at the Institut supérieur des traducteurs et interprètes in Brussels (Isti). Then, still at the same university, I obtained a master degree in 'Translation and IT' (DESS-TIL).

As you surf through this website, you will notice that together with a license and a master degree, I already had quite some interesting and enriching experiences. For instance, I have been working for more than ten years in the horeca business and have learned an awful lot about human and professional relations. Lately, I worked for over two months for Veritest LioNBRIDGE Beijing in China.

On this website, you will find all my references, my passions, my centers of interest and the things that keep me busy. Feel free to contact me if you have any remarks or questions.